Monday, September 22, 2008

Back to the Real World

Well vacation is over and now its time to get down to business. We are in full swing with school. Abby is taking piano and is a Girl Scout. Erin is not sure what she wants to be involved in. Samuel just wants to play......with anybody who will play with him. We started Co-op last Thursday. I love it and so do the kids. The girls have a Creative Writing class, Choir and Home Economics. They have had homework in the Writing class and they love that. When you home school everything is homework I guess:) Samuel is in Choir, 5 in a Row and Wood working. Can you guess which one is his favorite? He can hardly wait to hammer something. He would wear his safety glasses all the time if I would let him. Dave is really enjoying his job at Donoho. He is getting to play his trumpet alot with the students. As for me, I have many roles these days. Mommy, Wife, Cook, Teacher, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Grocery shopper, House Cleaner, Blogger, Banker and hopefully soon I can be called a Runner! I love my job. It's hard some days but if I had to choose, I would still choose this path.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beach Pictures

Today was our last full day at the beach. We are all sad! We have had such a good time this week. It has been so relaxing. The kids love their cousins, aunts, uncles and Mamaw and Grandaddy. We have spent all day each day on the beach or in the pool and had good meals together every night. It has been good. When we arrived last Wednesday, Hurricane Ike was on its way to Texas, and it was making BIG waves in the gulf. But by Friday it was beautiful and has been everyday. Abby got a little sunburned Saturday and Erin got really sunburned on Sunday. Luckily Daddy had aloe. Samo has had a blast and has gotten a nice tan. Dave and I have gotten to relax and read this week. We would love to have about three more days. But all good things must come to an we will head home on Wednesday. I know Charlie will be glad to see us. He has spent the week at the vet. I hope they were sweet to that rotten dog.
Today would have been Grandaddy Whites 86th birthday. He always went on our vacations with us and we were really missing him on this one. We talked about how he would have liked the Splash. He would have really liked watching all the kids on the slides. Anyway, we are thankful to Mama and Daddy for this great vacation. Maybe I can catch up the vacation scrapbook soon!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

We are in Panama City, FL and the waves are high because of Ike. The wind is really strong too. There is no beach today. The water is almost coming up to the pools. It's very exciting!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Six Flags

We went to Six Flags yesterday with the Davis Family. Our kids had the best time. Samuel is all about roller coasters.....Dave, not so much! So I rode the Ninja with Samo. I am not crazy about big roller coasters but I went with Samuel......We were on the ride, almost to the top before the big fall when I started thinking about the fact that I was on this big scary ride with my baby. I reached over and touched his leg and told him to just hold his head still. Then I screamed my head off for the entire ride. When the ride was over He was so excited saying "Mommy that was awesome, can we do it again?". The girls liked the water slide area the best. They all love the Davis kids, so doing anything with them is fun. It was a nice day all around.....thanks Eric and Alicia for inviting us.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...