Thursday, December 29, 2011 life....I love it

This week  Dave and I have the privilege to spend time with college students from all over the county at the Campus Outreach National Conference.  There are some amazing speakers here this week .  Matt Chandler and John Piper to name a couple.  This morning we had a women's rally with a speaker who use to be on staff with CO.  She spoke on contentment.  This is where I have been living lately.  Not content!!  Last year, I was probably more content than I have ever been in my life.  Why?  Because I was fulfilling my purpose.  I was not thinking about me and all my wants. One of my favorite quotes this morning was "When you are doing what you were created to do you will experience contentment."  Another was "Purpose fuels contentment."   So Lately I have not been very content.  This has been fueled by my lists of wants!  Not being satisfied with what I have.  Our speaker talked about pinterest this morning. If you haven't dicovered it yet, it is a virtual board where you can pin anything from recipes to hairstyles to cute crafts.  As we scroll through all the cute, neat, fun pages......we (I) begin to want, want, want.  Pinterest is not a bad thing in itself, but sometimes things like that fuel uncontentment in me.  The title of my post is also a quote from this morning.  She was quoting a friend who is overseas with her husband who is in the military.  Her life is not at all easy...but she said " life...I love it."  I want this to be me.  Whether this coming year brings happiness and health or  hard times and sickness, I want to say of my life....I love it.   Why?  Because I can find my true contentment and joy in Jesus not in how much or how little stuff I have or how good or bad my circumstances are.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...