These are pictures of the whole battle. Look how he has everything lined up.
It's really fun to listen to him play...all the sounds he makes for the action figures and animals...
This week has been hard. We are really anxious about the doctor visit. Dave has not felt great either. Each round of chemotherapy wears him down a little more. This week he just has blood work two days and of course the scan is on Saturday. We hope to get alot of school done this week. School is going very well. We have lots of time during the day, so we are trying to make the most of it. We are reading the through The Chronicles of Narnia series. We are in the first book now The Magicians nephew. I think I am enjoying this more than the kids. We took Lori to the airport after church. We loved having her here. She was such a big help to me. She kept laundry going and the kitchen cleaned. She was my workout partner every night. She kept the kids while Dave had chemo. She took the kids ice skating and shopping and for pizza.....they also got really lost, but we won't talk about that :) I really miss my sisters! We are really missing home right now. We know why we are here. It is important for us to be near MDA for treatment. I have realized something about myself this week. In everything I do I have the attitude of "let's get this done". I like to make a list and check things off. So....that is how I have been looking at this situation. I think it hit me this week that I can't look at cancer like that. I can't put a big check mark by chemo and not ever think of it again. I realize for now this is our life. So I have been dealing with that this week. It's hard because I really want things to be normal...and sometime they are....even if just for an hour or two. I guess for now I just have to know this is our new normal, at least for today. I have said before, the emotional roller coaster is the worst thing. Many people have asked how the kids are. They are great. They are happy. They sing alot. They love us and are just happy as long as they are with us. They miss their friends, but they don't complain about wanting to go home. Their home is where their Mama and Daddy are....I love that.