Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We have been in Houston for two and a half weeks. It seems like so much longer than that. This week Dave only has to go for blood work. No appointments. The same for next week. His next appointment with Dr. Ravi will be Nov. 11. This is about the same time he will begin his next round of chemo. He is feeling alot better today. He is still really tired but the nausea is much better today.

The kids are getting adjusted to their new home away from home. We keep having to remind them that they live in an apartment. Its hard for kids not to run and drop stuff and simply be loud, well it is for our kids anyway. We have had two days of school so far. That is going well. Mama is still here with us, so she has been a big help with school. She has also been keeping our laundry done and making yummy meals. We will miss her when she goes home next week. Giny will be glad she is coming home to help her with baby William. He will arrive next Wednesday morning (unless he decides to come before then).

Driving in Houston has been an experience! So far I have driven down two different one way streets and nearly turned down the wrong way on a highway. People really like to honk the horn at you here. I am learning the roads though. I know my way to Super Target very well :) And our apartment is very close to the hospital. We mostly use the shuttle though. There are some museums close by and the zoo is near here also. We will have to get out and explore soon when Dave feels better.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...