Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chemotherapy Day

Today Dave is having his gem/tax. He will be done soon. He has taken the steroid so hopefully he will have a better experience with this medicine than he did last time. I find myself getting very anxious as we wait for the 25th. We see Dr.Ravi that day and find out the results of the scan. I could write so much more about the emotions we are having this week. I'll do that later. Now I will leave you with a couple of pictures from the hospital this morning. Oh....and did I say how thankful I am that Lori is here this week. What a help having her here to be with the kids....and they love it!!

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...