LIE: A career outside the home is more fulfilling than being a wife and mother.
TRUTH: 1 Timothy 5:9-10 There is no higher calling than that of a wife and mother
Genesis 2:24 3:20 God uniquely designed woman to be a bearer and nurturer of life.
Titus 2 :4-5 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 There is no greater measure of a womans worth or success than the extent to which she serves as the heart of her home.
Genesis 2:18 God's plan is that a woman's primary attention and efforts should go to her children and her husband.
"Life: What a beautiful choice" These women have chosen life by bearing children, and they are also choosing life everyday.....
*with every meal they prepare
*with everyload of dirty clothes they wash
*with every trip they make to the grocery store, to school, to the dentist, to piano lessons, to soccer practice, or to the shoe store
*with every scraped knee they bandage
*with every encouraging word they speak
*with every night hour they spend rocking a sick or scared child
*with every dispute they arbitrate
*with every moment they spend building legos, coloring, helping with math problems, reading a Bible story, or listening to a husband or child describe his day
*with every moment they spend interceding for the spiritual growth and protection of their family.
I love that! I feel I must say I do not think this is saying women cannot work outside of their homes. We just must keep our primary focus on our homes, our husbands and our children. I hope this is as much of an encouragement to you as it was to me.