Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sweet Time on the Trampoline

Tonight we had our family devotion outside on the trampoline. We all sat around while Dave talked about what Jesus would have been doing on this night 2008 years ago. We talked about the last supper and Him praying in the garden, and as I sat there listening, I thought how pretty the sky looked tonight. There were some clouds but we could still see some stars and the moon was full. I thought about how these were the same stars that Jesus saw the night before He was crucified. The story has never seemed as real as it did tonight. After we were done we came in and Dave said the kids will never forget that. I have to agree.


I Love Reading Blogs

I have enjoyed reading the blogs of several of my friends so I thought I would give it a try. I hope you will enjoy getting to know our family better or just keep up with whats going on with us.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...