Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Its been one month since I met with the nutritionist. I made it through the holidays without eating every sugary treat in sight. I wasn't perfect, but did not completely blow it. I am doing better with my food choices. Adding more fruits and veges and cutting out sugar. Yesterday I taught the kids all about the food guide pyramid. They were very interested in learning what goes in each group and how much they should have. I gave them blank pyramids so they can fill in what they eat everyday. The girls thought that was great. Samuel is just happy if I give him PB&J or cereal at meal time. I hope making them aware of nutrition will help them to not make some of the mistakes I have made. You know like choosing little debbie cakes over fruit all the time!! One day during the holidays when we were eating out at a buffet, Samuel came back to the table with about 7 or 8 cookies on his plate. That's it just cookies. Abby proceeded to tell him loudly how he was going to get diabetes if he ate all those cookies. That's not exactly right but at least she realizes you can't just eat cookies and be healthy. I also have been exercising. I am sore!! My abs hurt when I laugh, my legs kill me walking up the stairs. Hopefully I will start to see some results soon. If I don't I may get very upset and eat a whole cake or something:) just kidding...I'll update on my progress again next month.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...