Sunday, February 6, 2011

Samuel's Super Bowl Party

All week we have been planning our big super bowl party. Samuel decided we would cheer for the Steelers. This was fine with me since I do not know anything about either team anyway. So the main thing we had to plan was of course...the menu. We had pizza, hot wings, little smokies, and cheese dip. The food was yummy and the game has been very good. I have to say, the half time show was...ummmm...interesting, and Christina leaving out a line to the Star Spangled Banner had to be the highlight of the evening.

Dave has had a couple of bad days. He has been so tired.... and quiet. He has blood work in the morning and I will be interested to see what his numbers are. I will be glad when he is DONE with this chemo. It has really taken a toll on him.

Erin is our little writer. She loves writing stories and journaling. I'm always finding things she has written. I can tell alot about how she is feeling by reading her writings. If she is not getting along with her brother or sister, it comes out in her stories or journal entries. If she is excited about about something or sad about something, she writes it down. This week she has been writing a play. She has been typing away on her computer. She always wants to include Abby when she is playing anything. So she has been planning for Abby to be in her play. She has planned practice times for them and she even made a contract. I had to get a picture of this because it was just too cute. You may have to click on the picture to read the contract.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...