Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Father's Day...just a little early

   Happy Fathers Day to my Daddy!!

Lori, Giny, Tracy, and I have a good Daddy.  He always worked hard to take care of us.  We also were fortunate to be able to know and spend time with our grandfathers and most of our great grandfathers. 

Happy Father's Day Dave!!!

A few years ago when we were at the beach, Daddy found a bargain was like 2 bucks so he bought it. He did not pay attention to what it said.   He put it on one night and I thought we would all die laughing!!!

Samo with his real sword!

Grandaddy White

Daddy with Andrew and Brady...He loves his grandsons.

Grandpa great grandfather

Papaw with me, Lori, Giny, and Tracy
We still miss him so much!

Daddy teaching Samo to ride without training wheels.

Proverbs 17:6
Grandchildren are the crown of the aged,

and the glory of children is their fathers.

Grandaddy White with me, Lori, Giny, and Tracy.  Oh how we miss him!!  He was like a grandmother and grandfather rolled into one.

Uncle Lester

Daddy and his 4 girls

all of his grandchildren
I am thankful for all the time my Daddy spends pouring into his grandchildren. He could be taking trips and enjoying his retirement, but he chooses to spend alot of it with little people :)
Daddy with Chloe, Abby, and Emma

My Daddy with his Daddy(my Papaw)

me and my Daddy...I'm pretty sure I'm his favorite...sorry Lori, Giny, and Tracy  :)

Daddy supervising the boys shooting BB guns

I love this picture.   I came home from a bible study one night and this is what I found.  Everyone piled up on a little couch.

Dave, Abby, Andrew, and Brady

:) LOVE (:

Dave and Erin :)

Daddy, Dave, and Samo

Grandpa great grandfather

Grandaddy great grandfather

Daddy teaching Samuel Math

2 Timothy 2:1-2
        You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus,  and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

This verse sums up Dave's life.  He does this with his children as well as other faithful men!!

Happy Father's Day.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...