Monday, May 19, 2008

Burn the Ships

Today I have been so amazed at how God has worked out everything so perfect for us. We could not have orchestrated this in a million years. I'm talking about the move to Grace Fellowship and the new job at Donaho. I started thinking today about the first steps we took in this process. This is the song that came to mind.....
Burn the Ships
by Steven Curtis Chapman
In the spring of 1519, a Spanish fleet set sail
Cortez told his sailors this mission must not fail
On the eastern shore of Mexico they landed with great dreams,
But the hardships of the new world make them restless and weak.
Quietly they whispered, "Let's sail back to the life we knew"
But the one who led them there was saying
Burn the ships, we're here to stay.
There's no way we could go back
Now that we've come this far by faith
Burn the ships, we've passed the point of no return
Our life is here
So let the ships burn
In the spring of new beginnings a searching heart set sail
Looking for a new life and a love that would not fail
On the shores of grace and mercy we landed with great joy
But an enemy was waiting to steal, kill, and destroy
Quietly he whispers, "Go back to the life you know"
But the one who led us here is saying
Nobody said it would be easy
But the one who brought us here
Is never gonna leave us alone

Dave's Other New Job

Dave is now the new band director at Donaho School. He signed his contract this morning and is meeting the students today. We are very excited. He will still be working at the church. His classes will be in the afternoon at the school. It is really amazing how God has worked all this out. More on that later!!! Congratulations Dave.

Open House

We had our homeschool open school last night. The kids all did such a great job. I love having this at the end of each semester because it encourages me to work harder the next semester. Abby quoted Psalm 8, Erin quoted Psalm 1 and Samuel quoted Micah 6:8. They also sang Fifty Nifty United States. The choir sang three song that were so cute. Each child in the group did such a great job. Now we are looking forward to a little time off. We are planning to have school some during the summer. But for this week, school is out OUT!

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...