Thursday, January 1, 2009

My 100th Post.....Who knew I had so much to say

    Wow I actually have made it to my 100th post. This may bore some of you to tears, but I made a list of 100 things about myself. It's my blog so I guess I can do whatever I want. Hope you enjoy these little known, most exciting facts about me.

  1. I am 34 years old.

  2. I have brown hair.

  3. My eyes are green.

  4. I am the older sister of Tracy, Lori and Giny.

  5. I graduated from Jacksonville State University.

  6. I have a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences.

  7. The first time Dave and I met we line danced.

  8. I like country music but not southern gospel.

  9. I had a baby in 2000, 2001, and 2002.

  10. I like anything chocolate.

  11. I sing alto.

  12. I played the trumpet in junior high.

  13. I was a majorette.

  14. I have never been good at math.

  15. Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

  16. Fall is my favorite season.

  17. I like cold weather.

  18. I like to sew but hate reading patterns.

  19. I taught Home Ec. for 1 year before Abby was born.

  20. Before that I taught nutrition in elementary schools.

  21. My parents still live in the house I grew up in.

  22. I have been to Niagara Falls.

  23. I went on Beach Project in 1996.

  24. I have lived in 5 cities.

  25. The furthest I have been from home is New York.

  26. I can be high strung:)

  27. I like to fold clothes.

  28. I do not like messy anything!

  29. I do not mind cleaning.

  30. I like to read.

  31. I can't believe I am just on 31.

  32. I got married when I was 24.

  33. Our honeymoon was way too short.

  34. We lived in a little house in Gordo our first year.

  35. I love Dave and I really like him too.

  36. I am working on being joyful.

  37. I am an organizer.

  38. I love to sleep.

  39. I like to watch the news.

  40. I take a vacation with my entire family every year.

  41. I graduated from high school in 1993.

  42. I became a Christian in 1994.

  43. I love drinking coffee.

  44. I look like my aunt.

  45. I played little league softball for two years and made all-stars.

  46. Does #45 count as two.

  47. I am a bit bossy sometimes.

  48. Somewhat of a control freak.

  49. I believe God can change anyone.....just look at me.

  50. I like to shop online.

  51. I'm halfway done.

  52. I love reading blogs.

  53. I like keeping up with friends on Facebook.

  54. I drive too fast.

  55. I have had two speeding tickets in my life.

  56. I have been in two wrecks....only one was I driving!

  57. My first car was a Oldsmobile Cutlass.

  58. My second car was a Ford Tempo.

  59. My third was a Ford Wind Star Van.

  60. My fourth is a Toyota Sienna....I'm still driving it.

  61. I really like air conditioning.

  62. This is the first house I have lived in that has a fire place.

  63. I really like being at home.

  64. I think dessert should be served after every meal.

  65. Still like cold bed sheets.

  66. I like the idea of camping.

  67. When I was little my family camped almost every summer at Wind Creek.

  68. I planned my wedding in 3 months.

  69. I like simple.

  70. My favorite picture in my house is a framed poem written by my sister Giny.

  71. I love homemade gifts.

  72. I love getting Christmas cards.

  73. I love dishes.

  74. I like going to yard sales and thrift stores.

  75. I consign my children's clothes twice a year at Kid's Market.

  76. I usually make enough money to buy all their clothes for the next season.

  77. I think my children are the cutest of all.

  78. I don't like to iron.

  79. I love cookbooks.

  80. Wake up, I'm almost done.

  81. My Grandaddy White referred to me and my sisters as "Lisa and the three little ones".

  82. My Grandmother White died 5 months before I was born.

  83. I like to fish.

  84. I like to play tennis.

  85. I am a horrible dancer.....

  86. I take pictures of every event....even kid trips to the dentist.

  87. I love to scrapbook.

  88. If my house catches fire....other than getting my children out the scrapbooks will be most important to grab!!!

  89. I have a dog named Charlie.

  90. I don't care for cats!

  91. My favorite smell is coffee brewing.

  92. I wear a size 9 shoe.

  93. My favorite color is green.(and pink)

  94. I love Christmas moviesand Christmas music.

  95. I can be self righteous at you know where my children get it.

  96. I can be legalistic at times.

  97. I am a reformed baptist.

  98. My spiritual gift is service.

  99. That said, I love do things for other people.....behind the scenes.

  100. I am daily being transformed to be more like Christ.

I can't believe I actually came up with 100 things to say about myself! Well hopefully you made it without completely falling asleep. Now don't you feel as though you know me much better now. Happy blogging and Happy New Year!


Jessica said...

Wow Lisa! I do feel like I know so much more about you. Thank you for sharing.

Happy New Year to you and your family!


The Davis Family said...

I loved it Lisa,What a cool idea.

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

WOW! I think that about 75% of your list could be talking about me! It's too bad we don't live closer together...I think we would be BFFs!

Congrats on your 100th post!


Lori and Giny said...

I'm your sister and I didn't know some of those things.


June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...