My Momy and Dady are goeing to Texas.
I am not goeing to crie.
I am goeing to stay wis my aunt.
We are goeing to hav so much fun.
I am goeing to get my new DS gam.
The End
I almost cried when I read this. A little background for ya....Samuel does not spend the night away from home... EVER!!! The only times he has had to in the past year is when Dave and were in Hawaii and when we took another short trip.....and when I was in the hospital. He just wants to be at home. So, a couple of weeks ago he and I took a walk on a Friday afternoon. I got a chance to talk with him about his Daddy and how important it is for him to go to this hospital. It was like after that that he was OK with whatever we needed him to do. Amazing. So for him to actually be somewhat excited about staying somewhere other than home, and somewhere Dave and I aren't going to be is pretty great!
Tomorrow we will work on that spelling :)
Sweet Samuel!! Love you guys! Tell Erin I said hey too! :)
Oh my goodness, that is so sweet Lisa! I am so proud of him. Spelling doesn't matter on this one. I hope he does well while y'all are gone!!
I know how he feels! I don't care to spend the night away from home much either! I am glad that his is handling it so well. He is certainly growing up!
I will be at Donoho on Friday. I hope to see you if you can all be there. Especially Abby, not that I am ever partial!!!!
Love you all!!!
Just to be clear, he wants to cry but he's not going to cry! Now that made ME cry! How sweet is that?!? I love you guy's and if you need anything just let us know!
What a great momma you are! I love it when our children surprise us with their maturity. I love that story, it is a keeper for sure.
that is just precious! You must frame that!
What a sweet child you and Dave have (all 3 of them are!)
Thanking God for being with Samuel and preparing his little heart.
Still praying for you and your family!
Bless him... the part about not crying... he's being so strong :)
Lots of prayers going up for Dave (and y'all)!!
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