Tuesday, April 26, 2011

cancer stinks...really it does

This post could be a mile long if I wanted it to......but I don't want it to be that long.  We brought Dave to UAB on Monday because the swelling has gotten really bad and after emailing with Dr. Ravi we knew he needed to be checked out.  So we got here around 3 yesterday and they admitted Dave last night.  They are checking him to make sure there are no blockages in his abdomen.  Then hopefully they will up his dose of lasix and get this fluid off!! He actually feels good other than not really being mobile.  We are still scheduled to fly to Houston on Thursday morning.  I am overwhelmed and just want to scream......but I'm in the hospital room and that might alarm the nurses. I wonder....do doctors really want you to ask questions about your treatment...or is it just politically correct for them to say they do.   So that is what  I am thinking about today and what we are doing today.  I was so looking forward to being home for some bad weather...guess I'll just have to enjoy the storms from Birmingham. 


Crystal said...

Praying for you and Dave right now.

Anonymous said...

GOing to pray for your encouragement...thatyou will be comforted through these very trying days. Praying for you ALL>>>
Love, Dara Murphy

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...