Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Year in Review

Whew!!  Here it goes.  2011.  Farewell. 

January- We rang in the new year at home in Weaver. We got to see lots of friends and family and it did our souls good to be home for a week.  We flew back to Houston around the 6th and Dave jumped right back into chemotherapy. Round 4.  We jumped back into school with the help of Dave.  It was nice having him teach History and Science.  My sister Lori came for a visit.  Carlton, Aimee, and Hope came to visit us.  John came for a visit also.  We had another trip to the ER and ct scans at the end of the month.  We met Stacey and Brad who were also being treated at MDA for a rare sarcoma.

February-  This was the coldest month.  It even iced over the roads one day in Houston.....but no snow!!  Dave's oldest friend Ricky and his wife Angie along with their little girl Emily came for a visit.  Dave was very weak from the chemo.  Mama flew out and spent the month with us.  We took the kids to the Rodeo parade and the zoo.  Daddy drove out a couple of weeks after mama got there.  We took  3 day trip to San Antonio.   Believe it or not, the kids went swimming! in the outside pool!!

March-  Dave's sister Brenda came to visit.  We went to the Houston rodeo.  We got to go home for a few days.  Dave began having neuropothy in his feet, legs and hands.  Dave also started passing out alot.  March was a difficult month.

April-   With April came beautiful bluebonnets to Texas and it also marked 6 months for us in Houston.  Dave began his 8th round of chemotherapy. We had yet another trip to the ER. Our friends Linda and Gary came for a visit.   We went home for Easter.

May- We were home at the first of May for Relay for Life.  Dave walked his survivor lap. Dave began radiation this month.  Abby had her 11th birthday. 

June-  This was an exciting month.  Dave finished radiation.  Erin had her 10th birthday. Dave and I celebrated our 13th anniversary. Our friends Holly, John, and Murren came for a visit.  We moved home on the 23rd.

July-  Home.  We tried to get back into our routine. I painted the kitchen.

August-  We worked hard trying to finish our bathroom remodel.  Dave started back to school at Donoho. We went back to MDA for Dave's surgery.  Surgery....Success!! Dave had his 38th birthday in the hospital.

September-  Dave spent most of the month recovering from surgery.  We started school. 6th, 5th, and 3rd grades.  Samuel started football.

October-  We were crazy busy with kids activities.  Life was easing back to normal.  The changing of seasons was beautiful.

November-  Samuel turned 9.  I turned 37...ouch.  We had a great Thanksgiving with family.  The kids and I started training for a 5K.  We decked the Swinney halls for Christmas!!

December-  Dave's first scan after surgery brought us great news of NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE.  (NED)   I ran my very first 5K.  We spent lots of time with friends and family.

Just as we were last year.....we are filled with hope for 2012. 

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

  Happy New Year from the Swinney's!


Jessica said...

great year in review Lisa! I especially love the news at the end of NED =)

Nancy said...

Praying 2012 is a wonderful one for your family!

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...