Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mardi Gras or Birthday?

Well we have finally wrapped up the month of celebrating Abby and Erin's birthday. It seems like every time we turned around there was another party. This is what we did....on May 29 (Abby's) we went to mamaw's swimming, on May 31st we had a party with family at mamaw's, on June 20th (Erin's) swimming at mamaw's with friends, and on June 25th we had a friend party at the mall with a movie, lunch and cake at the food court. So Mardi Gras is over for this year. WOO HOO! They had a fun month. Today was a great party...We saw Charlotte's Web and then had a fun time at the mall. The girls got lots of great presents and to top it off they got to go to Claire's. For those of you who don't know, that is the GIRLIE GIRL store in the mall. They could spend hours in there. Hope you enjoy the pictures from our day.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Latest Obsession

EBay. I have gotten addicted to eBay. It began with me trying to sell some of my textbooks that we will no longer need. Then I started looking at books online and then tennis rackets, get the picture. But the good new is I have gotten some of the books we will need for next year at really good prices. As Dave walked out the door a minute ago he reminded me to talk to him him before I start bidding. I guess he thinks I might get really crazy with ordering stuff..

Erin had a great birthday. She got to spend it with some of her friends at Mamaw's pool. She swam and played all day. Don't they look like they are having fun!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Erin Rebekah turns 7

Erin turns 7 years old today. She wanted to have her ears pierced for her birthday. We had a combined family party and will have a friend party next week for her and Abby. Erin is definitely a girlie girl. She likes high heels, dresses and jewelry. She has a style of her own. She gets up everyday and puts on a dress or skirt, fixes her hair (as only she can with clips and barrettes). She is so proud of her new earrings. She has asked me several times today if she can wear my big hoop earrings as soon as the six weeks is up. She is cleaning them several times a day just like the lady told her to. Erin was born at 12:17 in the afternoon on June 20, 2001. She weighed 9'1. My biggest baby. She was and still is a mama's girl....although she has really started wanting Dave alot more lately. I have always called her "little". I can't even remember why I started that now. When I think of her, I picture her sucking her thumb and rubbing her silky. She is my sweet "little". Happy Birthday Erin......I love you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dave and Lisa June 13, 1998

Ten years ago today at 2:00, Dave and I were married at Ridgeview Baptist Church in Talladega, AL.

Today Dave and I celebrate our 10th year of marriage. Several years ago Dave made me a card of Remember Whens. Today I thought I would recall some of my favorite memories of the last 10 years.


Remember When…...

You would leave right after school on Friday and drive to Talladega to see me.

I would cook meals on Sunday afternoon to send home with you for the week.

I would run to the bedroom if I thought you might be going to bed..(so I didn’t have to turn the lights out.)

We got that yummy burger from The Bullet!

I would walk to the practice field from our little house to watch the band practice.

The smell of eggs made me sick while I was pregnant with Abby.

You stayed up all night writing a paper.

We went to New Orleans and I was so scared of everything.

We watched from our hospital room after Erin was born as the Presidents plane took off from the Birmingham airport.

We lived in that tiny apartment after Samuel was born.

You stayed up all night with Abby and changed her first diaper.

We found out I was pregnant with Erin. SURPRISE :)

We found out I was pregnant with Samuel. SURPRISE AGAIN!!

We would load the kids up in the van, turn on a video and ride around just so we could talk.

We would walk around Gordo and talk.

I made those cute yellow curtains for our little Gordo house.

I spent those nights at Britney Carvers house.

I packed 4 bags to take to Williams wedding. HA. ( Just my bags!)

We painted the nursery on Sleepy Hollow Circle.

We bought our first house and unpacked everything that day.

We spent a few days in that cute little cabin in Mentone. (You studied, I Scrapbooked, It was so relaxing).

We would talk early in the morning and late at night during my student teaching. ( nights and weekend plan)

I took that video Geology class after we got married so I would graduate in August.

I came with Stacey and John to the Weaver band contest.

We got engaged on that foggy day in March.

We ate at the Victoria.....What was it that we ate? :)

We wished our honeymoon would have been longer.

You ordered drill right before Erin was born.

We had lunch at The Rocket in 1995 and had talked about homeschooling.

You came to my apartment and gave me the book In the Eye of the Storm.

We square danced with Chuck and Kim at the little apartment on Forney.

It snowed in Gordo.

All those Sunday lunches at Fuzzy's.

You made supper when I came to visit you in Gordo.

All those dinners at the Northport Diner. Yum.

We painted the girls room and were so proud of it!

We were so glad when football season was over.

You graduated from NOBTS.....I was so proud!

We made the decision to go to Grace Fellowship.

There are so many memories of the past ten years. Those are just few I thought you would enjoy. Happy Anniversary! I love You!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Reading List Update

Those of you who read my post in April know that I have a big list of books I'm trying to finish reading. Here is an update on my progress:

Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan
Don't' Waist Your Life by John Piper
The Search for Significance
The Life You've Always Wanted by John Ortberg
What does God Know and When Does He Know It by Millard J. Erickson
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp Finished

The Shaping of a Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliott ( I think that's the name)
A Chance to Die (about Amy Carmichael)
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney

Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham (Loved it!) Finished
A biography on Martin Luther (can't remember the exact name) Finished
The Magicians Nephew C.S. Lewis Finished

George Muller The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans by Janet and Geoff Bence
Love to Eat Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick
Lies Women Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Lee DeMoss
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

My goal is to complete the George Muller book and Disciplines book this week!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shepherding a Child's Heart

Today I finally finished one of the many books I'm reading, Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp. I saw in this book alot of things I really need to improve in training my children. I was also encouraged to press on because how we finish is so important. I want to see Abby, Erin and Samuel obey because they love me and Dave and want to please God. One huge thing in this book was the importance of communication. I have learned that when we are consistent with them in discipline we all enjoy each other. When we lack in our training and discipline everyone is miserable and we don't even enjoy our kids. It would be a great disservice to them to not to train and discipline them. This is a lifelong journey and very hard sometimes.

If a child is corrected, he becomes wise. But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. Proverbs 29:15

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Campers Life For Me

Do they look ready for camp? All the girls have had such a great time this week. They have gotten to swim, hike, canoe, make fun crafts(see the hats!), enjoy lunch together everyday and just get to spend time together. My girls are gonna be completely exhausted by tomorrow. One of the things they love most about camp are the silly songs they learn. They will have to teach you all the new songs Christy G. You know you love those songs:)

Samuel and I have had a good week. Yesterday we spent the day with Alicia and the Davis boys. Samuel is bored without his sisters to play with. He and Jadon play well together. Dave would like to bring Jadon and John Mark to live with us. What do you think Alicia?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Birthday Party and Camp

Today the girls went to camp. They were very excited. Alot of their friends were going this year. I can't wait to here all about
their day. Look how cute they are!

Hannah Grace

Saturday morning we had Brady's 1st bday party. He really enjoyed his cake:)

This weekend we had a birthday party at Mama's house for Abby and Erin. Erin's b-day is June 20th but we did our family party for both girls this weekend. We will have a "friend" party in June. Anyway...they had so much fun. They both got a new baby doll that they really wanted. They also got really cool text messaging machines. Isn't it funny that little girls are texting. I am not sure they really work but they act like they do.

June 13

22 Years I wrote this blog post several years ago. I have added to it each year.  It's good to remember...... 1st year (1998-1999) o...